Monday, December 7, 2009

Dailly assignment : New Ways of Solving the Pollution Problem

Topic : New Ways of Solving The Pollution Problem

Where could our electricity come in the future? Some scientists agree that people need to limit the use of micro-fossil fuels like gas, petroleum, and other kind of fuel. Those fuel pollute the atmosphere with carbon dioxide and other chemicals,causing many environmental problems. Instead, people and government need to develop other kind of energy that do not pollute such as wind, solar, or hydrogen power. They could renew these kind of energy, that means they could not limit the amount that they produce. Wind power looks like one of the most wanted kind of those source of energy because of its cheapest way of getting. For that reason, most part of sub-Sahara region in Africa has experimented it in the farm and it works pretty well. First of all, using the wind energy does not cause pollution or damage the environment. Recent technology improvement have made it one of the cheapest source of energy today and it doesn't affect human health. The only problem it has presented leads in the way that the wind blade of the wind machine have sometimes killed birds flying on that area. So to build those machines, scientists may studied the direction of the wind (north-south) which determines the birds way in that zone. Another minor problem it encounters is the noise made when they build many wind machines in the same area. To avoid that, they usually build wind farm in the area where only few people live.

Written by David Lateu

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dailly assignment : The Lacke Nyos ' Disaster

Topic : The Lake Nyos ' Disaster
Cameroon faced in 1986 the worst disaster it has ever seen. That sad night, in the small village of Nyos, the north west province. At about 2:00AM , a huge noise woke up desperately some few rescued inhabitants. A cloud of gases came out after an explosion killing almost 1,700 people. Today, scientists say that the lake Nyos is no more active. However, poisonous gases from the center of the earth continue to flow up through cracks in the bottom of the lake. No one knows exactly the reasons of that terrible explosion but as result that lake still has more gases trapped at the bottom of it. Scientists who have studied lakes Nyos have found 16,000 times more gases. They explain that when a strong win, cool weather , a storm or landslide causes the water to turn over suddenly, the gases escape in a violent explosion. A team of scientists coming from the USA , France, and Cameroon has found a way to reduce the gas pressure at the bottom of it. The following morning after that disaster, the surrounding area was full of dead people including their pests and cattle. Only some few people escaped. The world organization came with the first aid like food, medicine and clothes. Due to the high rate of corruption in Cameroon, the rescuers didn't received the integrity of that donation because people ruling the country took it for themselves. Today, to protect people nearby, scientists installed warning equipment to alert whenever another incident occurs .

Written by David Lateu

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dailly assignment: Difficulties On Group Assignment

Topic: Difficulties On Group Assignment

At school and especially in Listening and speaking class, group assignment sometimes constitutes a tool of success of students because not only it make them practice as well their language skill such as pronunciation, but it also let them discover and overcome other students difficulties. But do they do it easily? I don't think so. Group assignment in any case presents many difficulties. For more students who beside school have a part time job, it sometimes constitutes a challenge. Students don't usually have the same schedule and after classes, it is sometimes difficult to meet if they have an assignment to do together. Some of them may take it serious while others may not and come late or not event participate at all. I had that sad experience when on level two listening and speaking class,they gave us an assignment to do in group with other students. Not only my classmate didn't take it serious, but also she told me that she had too much work to do and because she had paid for her tuition alone, nobody could yell at her if she repeats the class. In that way, I didn't have a choice . Since we were no more in junior or middle high school, I did not have to report her to the teacher. I did the assignment alone and we got the same grade. Group assignment sometimes doesn't make all students comfortable.

Written by David Lateu

Friday, December 4, 2009

Dailly assignment : Dealing With School And Job

Topic : Dealing With School And Job

Ever since I got a part time job after school, I have trouble managing my time. By the time I get home from work, I don't have much time to do my school work. I have to rush through my homework, and I always turn my assignments late. My social life also suffers a lot. I never seen to have enough time to deal with friends because I have a very busy job after school.Some of my friends have even stopped inviting me to go out with them. Worst of all, demanding job leaves me little time for myself. I don't have time to do the thing I really have so little time for study, taking picture,and watching movies. Since I have so little, I receive bad grades. Although I need the extra money I make, my job job really occupy all my time. In addition to that bordering job, I and my brother do not sometimes understand each other. For one thing, we have different sleeping habits. He likes to stay up late watching TV or listening to music, but I prefer to go to bed early. Furthermore, he likes the room neat and clean at all times. On the the other hand, so busy with job, I don't have time to keep things in the right way like him. I never hang up my clothes, and I always have book and paper scattered all over the room. Finally, while my roommate socializes with everybody, I don't. He likes to have friends in our room and sometimes makes it a party's place by bringing there a nice lovely music. On the other hand, I need my privacy and think of my room as my quite space where I could stay by myself.

Written by David Lateu

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dailly assignment : What Could Our World Look Like in Future?

Topic : What could Our World Look Like in Future?

Fantastic inventions made daily life easier in the past century but often at the expense of natural resource. Gas powered cars got us everywhere in a flash ' but they polluted the air. Electric heat and light made our homes warm and welcoming but also burned up limited coal and oil. Factories revolutionized the way we worked, but industrial waste trashed rivers, streams, and oceans. Lifestyle changes on the horizon for the net 100 years may actually improve our planet's health. We can use cleaner energy and fewer chemical while working, playing' and bringing up families in the towns of tomorrow. Most inventions listed below already exist or they can develop them. If we put our minds to it, our towns can preserve the Earth's natural riches and still be lovely places to call home. That is how things might be if we make the environment a top concern. We could grow fruits, grains, and vegetables close to home, whether in our gardens or on nearby organic farms. Since the farms use natural forms of pest control, such as predatory insects, we could use fewer chemical;s in our food supply. Plumbing lines could empty into enclosed marshes,where special plants, fish, snail, and bacteria could naturally purify waste water. Clean water could flow back into streams. About work and transportation, More adults could work in their homes and keep in touch with co-workers through computers. Others could make a short trip to a nearby office park. A few could ride swift electric trains to the nearest city. Cars and trucks could use clean, hydrogen-powered fuel cells. Most entertainment and stores will be close by, so we could often travel on old fashioned, Earth- friendly bicycles.

Written by David Lateu

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dailly assignment : For or Against Capital Punishment

Topic : For or Against Capital Punishment

Death penalty as the Capital punishment for terrible crime of murder has many years constitute a controversial topic. Can we summit death sentence for someone who committed crime? For many people, we can use that way to discourage murders and establish justice. Nevertheless, other people condemn capital punishment by saying that no one has the right to kill, we have the obligation to protect human's life. Tree ways of punishing murders are based on esthetical, political, and social issue. For esthetical issue, some people condemn death penalty by leading it to an immoral act. According to (Warren Richy in Christian Science Monitor page 3) We have the obligation to protect the precious life that God gave us. Religious in the same direction do not agree that we should establish justice by killing the criminals. ( From Vatican, 8 December 2001), Pope John Paul II said that Jesus Christ whose life was persecuted didn't accept to "meet hate with hate, violence with violence. Another reason to abolish death sentence result to unfair judgment. Many studies conducted have shown that most prisoners convicted do not really committed crime. The punishment manumitted to offenders sometimes does not reflect a proportional fault committed. Researches conducted state that we should abolish capital punishment for political reasons. Many critics lead the intensification of haine for some ethnic group for death penalty. Furthermore, Social issue is one of the points that condemn Capital punishment. From many studies, it appears that death penalty has not decreased crime rate: instead, the number of murders increases everyday. The solution of those problems could not come from building larger jails or killing massively criminals. It can be suitable to find the real cause of crime, why murders commit crimes, how do they get guns?

Written by David Lateu

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dailly assignment : An Exiteing Holiday

Topic : An Exiting Holiday

I would not forget which excitement Christmas holiday brought to me in my home country in December 2004. That special holiday occurs every December, 25. People often celebrate it to remember the birth of Good's son Jesus Christ. They seize that opportunity to thank God for his blessing and everything he did for them. A few months before December, 25, everybody prepares effectively for the occasion. When I was still back in my home country, a few months ago, I planed ahead and made a special budget. On the the due day, I celebrated it which my parents, friends , and relatives. We did it at my Uncle's house because he had a special event . He organized an amazing party after the church. That day, I danced as I had ever done with friends. My excitement came when I met my girl friend with whom we haven't seen for five years. We watched special movies related to Jesus' life. We ate delicious cake , bread, and drank wine with soda. That day, since I didn't have enough money, I didn't wear something special. I wore only my usual white shirt and black long trousers. In conclusion, Christmas holiday in 2004 made me very proud because I met my old high school girl friend .

Written by David Lateu