Sunday, October 11, 2009

Daily assignment: My Favorite Holliday in Cameroon

Topic: My favorite Holiday in Cameroon

I will never forget what the excitement Christmas holiday brought me in my country in
2005. That special holiday was Christmas. People celebrated it to remember the birth of God's son Jesus Christ. It was the opportunity thank God for his blessing and everything he did for us. It came on December, 25. A few months before, everybody prepared effectively for the event. I planed ahead and made a special budget. Like some of my friends, I spent enough money for the occasion: I bought a new pair of shoes, one pairs of jeans trousers and a black one, a nice white shirt, a pair of glasses, a hate, and two pairs of socks. I renew the painting in my bed room and bought some new bed sheets. My parents bought some new furniture and a TV set because the old one was broken. The holiday stared on the evening of December, 25. It was a special opportunity for young people to organize parties and games. Most of them didn't sleep all night long. Christians went to church at midnight to celebrate the birth of God's son. Early in the morning of December 25, people woke up and walked from house to house, wishing " happy birth day " to every one. Christians went to the day church. In the afternoon, people visited each other and there were parties everywhere. I celebrated it with my parents, brothers, sisters, friends, and relatives. We did it at my uncle's house because he had a special event. He organized an amazing party after church service. That day I danced as I have never done with friends. I was so excited to meet my girl friend with whom we separated five years ago. We watched special movies related to Jesus' life. We ate delicious cake, bread, and drank wine with soda. That day, since I was a very poor boy, I did not wear special coat like the other young men. I wore only my usual white shirt and a black long trousers. In conclusion, Christmas holiday in 2005 made me very proud because I met an old high school girl friend.
Written by David Lateu

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