Monday, November 30, 2009

Dailly assignment : The Planet Earth's Crisis

Topic : The Planet Earth's Crisis

At the begining of the twenty-first century, the planet earth becomes critical at this point in its history. People have changed it by polluting the air and water. Every day they cut down forest to build houses, roads, and factories everywhere. As result, global temperatures raise and change the climate. Thousands of spices of plants and animals disappear and the sea level raises continuously. Life becomes more difficult for many people, too. The destruction of the environment has affected people around the world in different ways. In the industrialized countries, it has negatively affected the quality of life and even caused illness. In other areas of the world, it has meant hunger, poverty, and even death. This truth resides in many undeveloped countries where people have already suffered a lot . Due to environmental problems, these people do not longer make a living from the land. At that time, the social, political , and economic problems that they face grow eventually. All of these problems affect each other and can lead to disaster. Thus, human activities in many different forms caused a large part of destruction and death. Around the world, individuals, businesses, and government have neglected the environment. Now they need to act soon to try to resolve many problems that our planet faces.

Written by David Lateu

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