Tuesday, September 1, 2009


David Lateu
Tuesday, 9/01/09
Dr Troy Camplin

Topic: Your friend is writing a first draft of a first college paper and has got a stuck. Write an e-mail message to your friend, incorporating any advice from Lamott's piece that motivating.

Top avit7@yahoo.fr
Hello dear Avit. How are you doing? I saw the first draft of your first college paper and it is not too bad. Anyway, you have some additional information to consider. Writing the
first draft of a paper can sometimes be difficult in the way of organizing it. It may not be perfect, It will not be a surprise to hear Lamott declaring that " the first draft is a child's draft where you let it pour out and then let it ramp all over the place".
In any paper, the first draft may not be very perfect. For some readers, it can look a messy stuff, but it doesn't matter. While writing his paper, a student should not have to worry enough about editing. The first step consists to do a research about his topic. Read article or magazine relative to the theme; take note on important supporting details. On his note book,brainstorming all what is relative to the topic is the second step. So while clustering, write all words or phrases which are relevant to your essay, let flow all ideas and regroup them. You should eliminate as well those which are not useful or less important. As you have your ideas on the note book, you will reorder, rearrange and develop them in order to construct good sentences. The next step should consists to start your introduction stating the main point that should be develop in the body and then write a concluding paragraph. It is not necessary to be very concern about editing yourself the first draft of your paper. Sentence organization and grammar structure are not a great deal because you will have to peer review it with another classmate before writing the second draft.
In conclusion, like Lamott said about the first draft of an essay or paper, it can look like a real "child draft". All ideas can be spread all over and badly organized. It can look like a messy paragraph, but the objective is not being out of the topic. All correction and revision should be done in the second draft.

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