Monday, October 19, 2009

Daily assignment: Busy Work

Topic: Busy Work

Working hard in the US has become an habit because without doing like that, a person can not easily survive. Many parents recommend that students are not allowed to have another work apart of school. They state that having a full time or a part time job for students is a synonym of obtaining poor grades at school. For others having a full time job for students is a good thing because it is the way to teach them the value of dollar.
Since I got a part time job after school, I have trouble managing my time. By the time I get home, I don't have much time to do my schoolwork. I have to rush through my homework and I sometimes turn my assignment late. Also, my social life is boring. I seldom have enough time to be with my friends because I am too busy at work. Some of them have even stopped inviting me to go out together. The worst thing is that my job does not let me time to breath. Not only it requires too much energy, but also I must work twelve hours a day. I don't have time to do thing that I really enjoy to do like reading magazine, taking pictures, watching movies, playing soccer and so on. After work, very tired I always sleep in front of my books. Since I really have so little time for study, my grades are continuing dropping. Although the extra money that my job provides me really helps me, I may finally give up and take my studies serious because I need eight hours of sleep like everybody.
Written by David Lateu

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