Friday, October 16, 2009

Daily assignment: Should a Woman Wake a Good President

Topic: Should a Woman Make a Good President

Women had been fighting for many years, claiming their liberation from repressive men. Their emancipation towards pacific movements and many demands gave them many rights.
Today and everywhere in the world, they have prestigious jobs position. The challenged question is to know if the can make a woman a good president.
A woman would make a good president because women are more emotional. They have feeling about human personality. As mothers they can care about people. They know how people are surfing all over the world, that is why if they become president, they can do their best to solve and prevent all bad situations happening around the world such as war, oppressions, prostitution and every form of violence.
They always like peace and in this way, they will know how to solve problems about conflicts between countries, avoiding nuclear experimentation and limit the appearance of war all over the world. Women are generally more responsible than men and always give good advice to their husbands, children and family's members. That is why if they become president, they will probably continue in the same way to promote peace around the world. With their sense of responsibility, women appear to be the best choice as president due to the highest qualities that they have.
Written by David Lateu

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