Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Daily assignment: My Elementary School Days

Topic: My Elementary School Days

In my home country, my elementary school days were very busy. I was six years old
when I stared elementary school. My school's name was "Peaceful Elementary school of Cameroon". Because my father hadn't a car, I used to walk to and from school. My classes started at 7:00 AM and ended at 4:00 AM. At that school, I studied French, grammar, and Biology. I really liked to study in the morning because I was more fresh at that time. My special friends were boys because I was very shy to make friends with girls. We used to study together and play during break. When classes ended, we separated promising to meet the following days. Today's elementary school days are quiet different from the ones a few decades ago because not only the programs are changed but also because students are too young. The methods of teaching are been completely modified. The pedagogy applied today is so easy and makes the children more creative. In conclusion, I really liked my elementary school days although they were busy.
Written by David Lateu

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