Thursday, October 22, 2009

Daily assignment: My Favorite Place to Study

Topic: My Favorite Place to Study

The student success depends how serious he takes his studies, in which conditions and
in which area he does it. Of course the environment and the location where the student learns determines his success. Researchers have demonstrated that studying in a very quite place, a student has the highest percentage of success.
My favorite place to study is a park where I usually go to study. The first thing I see is a large gate protecting visitors from animals. There is a small narrow road all around the park that helps visitors to reach the area they want to go. Just beside the door gate, there is a small lake. Inside it, there are a lot of fish swimming. Around the lake, there are many benches on which I always study. Everywhere, there is green grass with beautiful flowers. There are few short trees around the park. Under the trees there are animals. On the trees' branches, there is a long snake. In the sky, birds are singing beautiful songs. Since the number of visitors increases everyday, the government found necessary to enlarge it and ameliorate its infrastructure. Ever year, thousands tourists from other cities visit it.
In conclusion, this very nice park is my favorite place because it is so quiet and I am very comfortable when I learn there.
Written by David Lateu

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